Birthday Cake and This Week’s Amazing Reading Lineup
My weekly roundup of inspiring stories — 16
I start a brand new year today in my life because — you guessed it — it is my birthday. You want to know how I am celebrating — am I right?
First, I organized lunch for 50 kids at my local welfare home and thus began my day.
Then, I enjoyed phone calls with my son followed by calls all day long from my friends and schoolmates, people I’ve known almost all my life. I talked to family that hasn’t been in touch for a while.
In the middle of all that, I managed to shower and grab lunch and dinner. I gave myself the gift of time. And before you assume there’s a higher meaning to that, I literally bought myself a wall clock, because the one we had decided it didn't want to work anymore. We understood because we’ve had it since 1994 and kissed it goodbye. The new one looks like this:
Nothing fancy. But it looks rather nice on my wall where I can see it.
I also got a little birthday cake. See the pic above the post? Yeah. It was pretty decadent. I had one piece too many after lunch and it put me in a pleasant stupor.
All in all, a pleasant day filled with conversations that made me absolutely grateful to be loved and remembered.
I am also grateful for the posts I read the past week. As always, I am always fascinated by how words connect us across oceans and make us feel close. That’s what these posts did.
Bhavna Narula’s post will soothe your soul. Joy is in the simple things, after all!
Winston, in his post, talks about how to appreciate the good things in life.
If you want to be dazzled by words and photos alike, read pockett dessert’s post.
As usual, Mukundarajan V N delivers his words of wisdom succinctly in this excellent read.
As someone who was at the receiving end of my son’s beautifully innocent insights as he was growing up, I loved Trista Signe Ainsworth’s post where she shares her own son’s. Out of the mouths of babes, indeed!
If you have a friend or loved one who is experiencing hopelessness or depression, it can be difficult to know exactly what to say or do. Zeenat suggests ways in which you can support them.
How do you control drama with grace when you find yourself being manipulated? JM Heatherly has some valuable suggestions.
Sandra’s post explores three signs your mindfulness meditation has taken a wrong turn and she suggests simple adjustments you can make to get back on track.
In her post, Diana C. asks a thought-provoking question that will make you reflect and possibly be delighted with your answer.
Brown Boi shares hopeful vibes through beautiful verses.
Where is Thief’s mind? Enjoy his poem to know.
I have to agree with Burk, as he makes a solid case for one of my favorite writing forms — the shortform.
I read Liberty’s enchanting post. I am sure you’ll enjoy it too! I am look forward to knowing her better.
Srini’s story about writer’s block being bull, offers some invaluable tips on how to build your story from a picture. I assure you it will have you laughing. And teach you a thing or two.
If you are looking for ways to visualize your time and manage it better, Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) shares her favorite five that you’ll find helpful.
I wish you a wonderfully fulfilling week ahead!
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?
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