Thursday’s featured posts

Coffee Times Weekly Roundup Edition 4

Thursday‘s picks from here and elsewhere on Medium

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
5 min readNov 11, 2021


Welcome to the fourth edition of our Thursday features at Coffee Times! How is the week going for you? Are you writing a novel? November is National Novel Writing Month — NaNoWriMo and I know quite a few fabulous writers who are crafting theirs.

November is also Thanksgiving month — are you reflecting on what you are grateful for? I am.

I know you’ll enjoy this week’s choice of posts I’ve picked for you to read. With the steady stream of submissions at Coffee Times, I find it quite challenging to select what to feature, as I have mentioned before. The good part is getting to read so much!

Do you have any suggestions or ideas for making this roundup more fun? I am listening! Let me know in the comments!

Let’s begin our reading journey with some posts from Coffee Times, followed by some from across Medium.

Enjoy the wide variety of topics!

Do visit, read, clap and comment generously!

At Coffee Times

Diana C. pays a beautiful tribute to honor Veterans on Veterans Day!

Susie Pinon explains why being jealous isn’t always a bad thing.

Tamil expresses her gratitude in a unique way and I was delighted to read her post! What a great example!

Can you imagine a snake happily living in your house without your knowledge for six months? Read Gabriella Korosi’s amazing story.

Ashley Nicole’s poetry is as soothing as her prose. Enjoy her post as she takes a moment to reflect.

Here is a wonderful read about creativity + mindful living makes for a happy life from Desiree M. Ortega

How about a street-side meal in Paris now? Let’s join Teresa Young!

Shy about self-promotion? Yana Bostongirl shares her own subtle strategies that will help.

Across Medium

CARMEN F MICSA writes about her solo international trip and has a great idea about how to recreate an experience we enjoy — sort of like time travel! I loved the ideas she listed.

What does one do when one’s marriage falls apart? How does one regain one’s strength? Julie Gaeta talks about what she learned from her experience and how she rebuilt her life again.

Would you agree that health is wealth? I would. Sahil Patel talks about his own health regimen and the value of having one.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi explains how she publishes over 200 content pieces a month — *gasp!* — without burning out. Her posts are always an engaging read! There are some valuable tips every writer can use.

If you are participating in the NaNoWriMo, read Penny Grubb’s post where she shares five ways to grab your reader at the start of a novel.

Experiencing writer’s block?

Fret no more. Visit the following for prompts that will get your words pouring out.

Book-related prompts from Marrisa W.

The Travel series from Lorena Sharing Randomly

For more inspiration, get to know your fellow Coffee Times writers — read Drashti Shroff’s Interview series.

Have you written your Coffee Times profile yet?

Here’s Deb Fiore’s — loved it!

And here’s a hack from Winston to organize your profile like a pro!

An invitation ❤ you can’t refuse

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

I love Medium and the wonderful writers I engage with. Currently, the Medium Partner Program is not open to writers based in India. One of the reasons I write is to support underprivileged children. Would you consider buying me a cup of coffee? Thank you so much!



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Writer. All genres. Poet. Artist. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Wears son's oversized tshirts. Creates own sunshine. Flawsome.