Vidya’s Monday Meditation — 5 June 2023

Connect to the Present Moment With Your Heartbeat

Helps you calm down when faced with difficulty or stressed


Photo by Maryna Kazmirova on Unsplash

Sit comfortably.

Begin by taking three deep breaths.

Place your hand over your pulse (side of your neck/under the jaw/wrist/heart).

Close your eyes.

Notice the pace of your heartbeat.

Think about your current emotional state. Could this be connected to how quickly or slowly your heart is beating?

Now stand up. Jump up and down ten times.

Sit down again and feel your heartbeat.

Do you notice a change?

Close your eyes and focus on your heartbeat until it slows back down.

Have a great week!

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
The Daily Cuppa

Writer. All genres. Poet. Artist. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Wears son's oversized tshirts. Creates own sunshine. Flawsome.