Quick Mindfulness Meditations

that will take 10 minutes or less and have you smiling (updated every week)

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
3 min readJul 8, 2021
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

A growing list of Mindfulness Meditations published on Mondays and Thursdays.

Chocolate Meditation — Because chocolate is nature’s way of making up for Mondays

Smiling Meditation — Yoga of the mouth, happiness right under your nose.

Hugging Meditation — 3-step mindfulness meditation for deep joy and peace

A one-minute Meditation — A no-pressure, full of benefits practice to overcome overwhelm.

A 5-minute Instant Detox — Feel wonderful in eight super-short steps.

Practice the Power of Silence — A communication fast for better relationships

The What-Went-Well Exercise — A simple two-step gratitude activity to uplift your mood

Friends, Medium Writers — Everyone! Lend Me Your Ears — and relax

Easy Mindful Breathing Exercise — To reduce stress and anxiety, increase concentration and sleep better

Use a Gratitude Pebble — for a gentle reminder to be grateful and boost your mood.

5-Minute Color Breathing Exercise — To calm down and increase focus and awareness

Step-by-Step Gratitude Visit Exercise — Experience what it feels like to express our gratitude in an intentional manner.

Breathing Hands Meditation — To help you calm down and focus

Look In The Mirror Exercise — You as much as anyone, deserve your gratitude.

Mindful Steps Exercise — To bring you back to the present moment.

Make A Gratitude List With A Twist — Easy as A to Z

Positive Posture Exercise — Leverage the mind-body connection to lift your spirits

Work the Gratitude Worksheet — Delve deeper into what you are grateful for

Blow the Negativity Right Out of Your Nose — Black and white breathing to let go of worry, fear of failure/rejection

What Is Stopping You?Kindness is never a waste of time.

See the Silver Lining Exercise — A quick reality check on looking at the bright side

Let’s Play a Game Today! — There is invariably something or other to complain about, right?

Coffee Meditation — Changes your perspective when you feel low/uncomfortable/in pain

Make a Gratitude Jar — Instant mood-changer

Let’s Go On a Mindful Safari — To come back to the present moment and calm your thoughts

Practice Gratitude for This Moment — You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find how refreshed you feel

The Five Senses Exercise — A simple, versatile way to return to a mindful state

Enjoy the World Around You — Feel your connection to the universe

Glitter and Water Mindfulness Exercise — To calm you when you feel stressed, sad, or angry

Acknowledge the Miracles We Take for GrantedSome of the greatest miracles in life are the ones we hardly think about.

Blowing bubbles Mindfulness ExerciseTo help you let go of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings

Be Kind to Yourself — The first loving step towards self-motivation

Deep See Exercise — Engage your sense of sight to tune in

Create Freely — Inside or outside the box

Use the Shark Fin Exercise — To calm your mind and body in two minutes

Time to Release Limiting Messages From Othersuse this affirmation

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles. Did you Smile Today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts https://vidyasury.com