Gratitude | Prompt | Summit
Three Things I am Grateful For Today
When we appreciate what we have, we have more to appreciate
I begin each day with gratitude when I light my lamp in the morning, just before I have the coffee and breakfast going.
Today, I am grateful for the following three things.
Grateful that living healthy is a joyful journey
This morning, as I cleaned the curry leaves after stripping them from the stalks, I was filled with gratitude to my mom and grandmother for making health such an enjoyable and tasty experience. I grew up in a joint family household that believed in the joy of cooking from scratch, involving the entire family. With children around, it became natural to praise every vegetable, fruit, and cooking ingredient, listing its benefits to encourage us to eat mindfully and happily.
In fact, delicious home remedies for most ailments came from the kitchen — so much so, that we would imagine tummy aches and pains just because we wanted the yummy “medicine”.