
You make some great points, Winston. I have toyed with the idea, especially when I want to write about something that doesn't look like a good fit for any of the publications I am a part of. I wonder how much extra effort is involved in starting and maintaining a publication. At least I have the name ready! :-)

One question occurred to me: sometimes when we publish a post on our profile and a publication approaches us, asking us to add it to their pub . . .and then we consider that. Once we have it on our own pub, we miss that chance, right? Especially if it is a publication we've been wanting to write for? What do you think?



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Written by Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Owner: Namaste Now! Boost Nominator, Editor, Writer, Poet. Loves coffee-travel-cooking-photography-experiences. Supports underprivileged children. vidyasury.com

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